Monday, August 31, 2009

Houston Children's Museum

Look Elijah! This is cool!
Griffin loved the xylophone...future musician???



Last week Griffin and I went to the Children's Museum with my friend Michelle and her little cutie Elijah. They had a wonderful area just for babies with tons of toys and interactive displays. Michelle and I were pregnant together at work last year, so it's neat to see our little guys together in action! Griffin had a great time, and I know we'll be going back soon!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

6 Months!

Wow! Where has the time gone? We can't believe our precious baby is already half way to being a year old! In the past 6 months he has brought us a million smiles, lots of laughs, and tears of joy. We feel so proud to be his parents and share our love with such an amazing baby. God has truly blessed and enriched our lives, and we are so thankful. Griffin had his checkup today and had to get 4 shots. :( I think this time was extra tough because he was playing and laughing before they came in and then we had to watch him in pain. Anyways, here are some of Griffin's 6 month stats:
- weight- 17 lbs. 15.5 oz (57%)
- height- 27"- (70%)
- Head- 45 cm (83%)- lots of brain growth over the past 2 months!!! :)
- Griffin has mastered sitting up and loves this new skill
- He got his first tooth (see pic) a couple days before his 6 month b-day. My friend saw it at Little Gym and it had already broken the skin. I didn't even notice cause he wasn't fussy like I thought he would be.
- Loves to swing in the new swing daddy put up in the backyard
- Has learned to give high cute!!!
- working on giving kisses
- LOVES to play with Jeter and go on walks
- working on crawling...although I'm in no rush ;)
- has started drinking water out of a sippy cup. He can't hold it by himself yet but loves to try.
- likes to eat his solids, and loves apples the best
We love you so much Griffin Bear and we can't wait to see what fun the next 6 months brings!

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse! Uncle Conner and Aunt Leslie brought me these back from Disney and I LOVE them!

Just a swingin...

Straps taste good!

"helping" Mommy in the kitchen

First toothie!

Another look

Waiting for the Dr. N


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Almost Half a Year...

I can't believe our baby will be 6 months old this coming Sunday! Lately he has been really active. Griffin loves to sit or stand and is working on crawling. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. Griffin can also sit up now without putting his hands down for a couple of minutes. I think he loves this new vantage point and feels very big. His legs are really strong and he LOVES to stand all the time. He can even balance on his own for a little bit while holding on to something, and he feels so proud of himself when he does. We are really enjoying each and every day together as they fly by. I can't believe he's almost been with us for half a year, and yet we can't seem to remember what we did before we had him. Everyday is something new and I am SO thankful to be staying home with him. School is starting and it's a little strange (but wonderful) not to be setting up my classroom or worrying over lesson plans. Thank you Daddy for letting us stay home together, you're the best!!!

Eating carrots...not sure if we're a fan

Standing like a big boy

Griff peaks his head over the top of his crib when we wakes up from a nap. We love to see his precious little face just waiting for someone to come!

Thanks Mom for rescuing me, but can you turn off that flash!

Too cute not to post!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Griffin's New Friend

Griffin and I have been hanging out with some new friends! Lluvia and RJ live in Katy as well, and RJ is 20 days older than Griffin. We have been to playdates, Little Gym, lunch, and the pool together. I'm sure these two will be great buddies!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Little Sweet Potato! (and Butternut Squash)

After eating eight ounce bottles and still being hungry, we decided it was time to start solids! We tried cereal a while back but Griff didn't seem too interested. I made a batch of sweet potato and butternut squash baby food. It was super easy and it made a ton! I froze it in ice cube trays and then transferred it to freezer bags. We started with sweet potato for four days and then tried butternut squash. He is loving this new food and makes quite a mess. When I use to see other people's pictures of their kids eating, I couldn't quite understand how they got SO messy. Now I completely get it! Just one of those things you can't imagine until your a mom. It's been fun trying out the new foods and watching Griffin learn something new!

Just chop...


Blend...and Freeze

Here's that spoon thing again...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mountain Baby

We just got back from a wonderful week in Rico, Colorado! I was 7 months old when I went here for my first summer, and now Griffin is carrying on the tradition. He had a lot of firsts this trip including, the Hot Springs in Durango, hot dog roast in Dunton Meadows, hiking along the river, gumming on a corn cob, playing Yahtzee, dinner out in Telluride, eating a raspberry Popsicle, and his first fish fry to name a few. It was a fun filled week and it made me so happy and thankful to see Griffin surrounded by people who love him so much. Everyone was such a huge help, and we had the best time!

Group Shot minus a few...

Family Photo in Dunton Meadows

Griffin and his Pop

On a hike

Jeep Commercial

Helping Mommy and Mimi make raspberry fried pies! Yummy!

Gumming on a corn cob! He LOVED it!

Mimi let me have some of her raspberry Popsicle and it beats a corn cob any day!

Jason carved Griffin's name in an Aspen tree right outside our cabin. We also marked his height and we'll add on every year. It's an Austin family tradition.