Monday, October 6, 2008

Mighty Man...

Here is a 3-D ultrasound picture of Griffin! We know he looks a bit like an alien still, but we think he's precious. We were cracking up because it kind of looks like he flexing his arm muscle. He was also trying to suck his thumb the whole time we were in there. It was so amazing to see him so clearly!


Nicole said...

so amazing alli! I can't wait to meet the precious little man!

lisaburgess27 said...

Aw...I love the 4D ultrasounds! He IS precious! Can't wait to meet hime.

Walsh Zoo said...

It was so great to meet you, Jason and Jeeter! We're so happy for you guys. I hope you enjoy every minute of pregnancy - it's so fun!
Stop by anytime - we're at 23618 Whispering Wind.

The Rhoads said...

oh he is just precious!!!!! I can't wait to snuggle him! Also, I forgot to mention that your other son Jeter....looks just adorable is he in for a change! hahha!
Miss you guys!