Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 months

I can't believe our little man is already 4 months old! We went for his well check today and everything was perfect! The doctor said he's a very social baby :) and he's right on track for weight and height. He had to have two shots today, but Daddy held his hands and he didn't cry on the first and just a little on the second. Griffin has changed so much and we are amazed daily at the new things he's learning. Here are a few 4 month highlights:
- Height- 26 inches (85 %)- we have NO idea where this comes from :)
- Weight- 14 lbs. 7.5 oz. (40%)
-Head circumference- 42.5 cm (58%)
- can roll from front to back
- working on sitting up (can do it by himself for about 3 seconds before falling over- see pics
- smiling and cooing up a storm and adding many new noises to his vocab
- sleeps about 10.5 hours at night and usually takes 2, 2 hour and 1, 45 minute nap a day
- has gotten really good at reaching and grasping toys and puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth and drools non stop
- in case you were wondering but didn't want to ask, no- he never closes his mouth :) but the doctor said it's perfectly normal at this age (we were a little worried to tell you the truth)
- loves to stand, all the time
- has found his feet and loves to try to get them in his mouth
- Griffin is a really happy baby and he has completely stolen our hearts!

Who needs toys when you got feet!

Are you sure I have to get a shot??

I love my daddy!

I'm sitting up!

But not for long...


lisaburgess27 said...

I can't believe he is already 4 months old! He is just precious and what a big boy sitting up. He's is going to love it once he masters it. So glad to hear he is doing so well.

Jennifer said...

He is too cute. We finally put Madison in her bumbo so we are practicing "sitting up". Hope you are enjoying your summer!

The Vicari's said...

He is too cute! I want to hold him!

The Winter Family said...

I just want to pick him up out of one of those pics!!! My goodness, so sweet!!! Don't you just love baby boys!!