Monday, October 26, 2009

8 months old

I know I say this every time...but can my sweet little boy already be 8 months old?! Griffin is really growing. He now weighs 21 lbs 12 oz and he's 27" tall. He's grown over an inch since we measured him three weeks ago! I guess that explains the three hour naps and endless appetite lately. Here are a few things Griffin's in to lately:
- loves his new playroom we made for him with all his toys! We love it too cause it means no more toys in the living room!
- Still doing the army/inch worm crawl but getting much faster
- LOVES to practice walking with us holding his arms...very hard on mom's back though
- He's pretty much into everything!
- Has four teeth, two top and two bottom...three more coming in
- LOVES to play in Jeter's water bowl...YUCK! So we sometimes give him a pan of water to play in and he loves that (see pic).
- likes to snuggle before naps and bedtime
- so happy when he wakes up, kicks his legs and gives us a giggle
- loves to eat finger foods and is starting to eat small bites of whatever we are having for dinner (so much easier)
- his favorite baby food is a mixture I made of cherries, blueberries, and pears
- such a sweet and happy baby, but has had some separation anxiety lately mostly when I leave him at the gym nursery. It's really sweet, but momma needs a break sometimes. :)
-I added another post right below this of Griffin at the Halloween carnival
We just love our Griffin Bear so much and are enjoying each every day we spend with him. He's been such a blessing and fulfillment in our lives and we are so thankful!


Love those dimples!

Sweet boy

Playing in the water...making a huge mess!

1 comment:

The Winter Family said...

Griffin is so cute!!! Time does fly by once you have these little monkies!! I know you are having soo much fun!