Concentration and a little bit of drool
Ok, so a friend of mine, Lauren, swore that these rubber giraffes were the best baby toy ever! All my friends who had babies before me agreed, but I wasn't so sure. Truth be told, it looks like a dog toy and squeaks like one too. Jeter is very jealous of this toy in particular. However, I will now say she's right, Griffin loves his Sophie! He likes to try to put her whole head in his mouth and it's easy for him to grab. We also decided to get out the Excersaucer and he LOVES it. Luckily he's tall enough that we don't need the phone book anymore and he loves cooing at and playing with all the toys. The first day he wasn't sure how to turn the seat around, but he's mastered that now. It's nice to have when I'm cooking dinner, he stays in the kitchen with me and plays. We also had a wonderful visit with Leslie and Lane last weekend. It was the first time for Lane to meet Griffin and he loved the extra attention from his pretty aunties. They were so good with them and it made me so happy to see them enjoy him. Griffin was on his best behavior, so I'm just hoping some baby fever rubbed off on them! :) They're going to kill me for that....
I'm so glad Griffin is loving Sophie... she's an amazing little toy :) You would think so my the looks of her, but man can they chew her up!!! :) Being a mommy looks great on you, and he is just PRECIOUS!
Alli I can't find your gmail email address. Can you email it to me please. Where did the giraffe come from?? :) I can't believe how big Griffin is getting. He's adorable.
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