Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy 8 months Ella!

 We are in major teething mode and the infant brush has proven to be a great teether!
 Loves to make this face...feeling those new teethies!
 Ella and her BFF Jeter
First pancakes

Ella turned 8 months old on Sunday so I'm a little late on this post but our internet has been down.  Ella continues to be such a sweet, easy, happy baby.  She loves attention and being around lots of other kids. She went to baby story time at the library for the first time while brother was at school and had a blast!  She has had some "mommy" moments this month which is a first but warms up to new people quickly.  Here are some things she's been up to:
- sleeps from about 7pm-7am and takes two 1.5-2hr naps
- LOVES Jeter and when I have him outside she will grunt and wine till I let him in
- eats three meals a day and takes four bottles, we started some finger foods this month including puffs, avocado, banana, and pancakes...she loved it all
- BIGGEST news is that she finally cut her first tooth!  Griffin cut his on his 6 month bday and she cut hers on her 8 month bday...makes it easy to remember!  She already has another tooth today on the bottom right next to the first.
- talks and squeals all day long, Griff wasn't near as vocal but I swear he talks ALLLLLL day long, I'm going to be in trouble with Miss Ella!  Ha
- Loves music and isn't fazed by loud noises
- such a snuggler
- has showed little interest in crawling.  She will do a great push up and kind of a plank sometimes, but isn't moving at all.  She is getting frustrated sometimes when she can't get to something she wants so maybe this will motivate her :)

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